Ministries of Agriculture and Public Administration initiate reform of the agricultural sector

Source: Listín Diario newspaper

Santo Domingo – By order of the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, the Ministries of Agriculture and Public Administration began on Monday working meetings for the reform, restructuring and strengthening of the national agricultural sector, in order to guarantee a productive and efficient sector, the production of food for the country and institutional strengthening.

In the meeting headed by the Minister of Agriculture and Executive Director of the Government Agricultural Cabinet, Limber Cruz, and the Minister of MAP, Darío Castillo Lugo, more than 24 institutions linked to the sector participated, with the common goal of creating a public policy that impact on food security, agricultural competitiveness, sectoral governance and the quality of life of the rural population.

Said proposal, which will be presented to President Abinader, will be finalized in three stages, beginning with the installation of the sector table, and then continuing with the preparation of the diagnosis, and with the formulation of the reform and modernization plan of the agricultural sector.

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