Passion fruit pulp

Passion fruit pulp, the powerful antioxidant

Passion fruit has been getting more popular lately because of its ample health benefits, being a rich source of antioxidants, and its high levels of many vitamins. This exotic fruit contains high levels of vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant, and vitamin A, which is important for the immune system, skin, and vision.

One of the many benefits that come with passion fruit is that very rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that help fight harmful free radicals before they cause damage to the body. In fact, antioxidants play a vital role in keeping our body system happy and healthy, aiding in improving blood flow, especially to the barín and nervous system. They can also help reduce inflammation and cellular stress, which can help prevent diseases such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Maracuyá Pulp contains plenty of fiber.  Generally speaking, fiber is a vital part of our everyday diet. As a rule, fiber helps regulate the digestive system while also keeping the gut healthy, as a result, preventing bowel disorders and constipation. Fiber can also help reduce cholesterol and boost heart health.

Passion fruit Pulp contains plenty of fiber.  Generally speaking, fiber is a vital part of our everyday diet. As a rule, fiber helps regulate the digestive system while also keeping the gut healthy, as a result, preventing bowel disorders and constipation. Fiber can also help reduce cholesterol and boost heart health.

Passion fruit is also known for supporting heart health. Since Passion fruit is low on sodium and is also full of heart-healthy potassium, it can help regulate blood pressure and helps to remove the excess cholesterol from the interior of the blood vessels. Furthermore, it is rich in vitamin A, which is the key to healthy eyes and cells. Vitamin C, which our bodies to make cartilage, blood vessels, muscles, and collagen (that is what keeps our skin looking so young and fresh). In fact, it can also help your body lower inflammation, heal, and protects your cells from damage. It also has plenty of calcium and iron. These can help your nerves, kidneys, muscles, and heart in a big way.

As we talked about previously passion fruit is rich in vitamin C that vitamin C boosts our immune system by allowing the body to absorb more iron from plant-derived foods and can improve our body’s ability to fend off infections. As a result, passion fruit boosts our immune system.

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A ritmo pegajoso baila sin dudarlo, lleva un atuendo color canela, pero dentro de una pulpa que te encantará, y para los días más calurosos, cuando se combina con agua y hielo, su sabor refrescante te hace volar.

Pulpa congelada

Sin preservativos

Sin azúcar añadida

Sin preservativos

Pulpa congelada

Sin azúcar añadida

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