
Passion fruit pulp

Passion fruit pulp, the powerful antioxidant

Passion fruit has been getting more popular lately because of its ample health benefits, being a rich source of antioxidants, and its high levels of many vitamins. This exotic fruit contains high levels of vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant, and vitamin A, which is important for the immune system, skin, and vision. One

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A ritmo pegajoso baila sin dudarlo, lleva un atuendo color canela, pero dentro de una pulpa que te encantará, y para los días más calurosos, cuando se combina con agua y hielo, su sabor refrescante te hace volar.

Pulpa congelada

Sin preservativos

Sin azúcar añadida

Sin preservativos

Pulpa congelada

Sin azúcar añadida

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