
Discover more about our pulps

What are the frozen Pulps?

The fruit pulp is the most basic product that is created by processing fresh fruit. It contains both the juice and the pulp, which is that stringy fiber that is most commonly removed from fruit juice. Which is then frozen.

Fruit pulps are able to be processed and stored for prolonged periods without losing their flavor, color, or their texture. They can be used in a multitude range of applications such as gelato, fruit-flavored yogurt, jelly, fruit drinks, jams, lollies, and even specialty beer brewing.

What are the advantages of consuming frozen pulp?

You may be wondering, why should I go for frozen pulp? Well here are some of the reasons why.

To keep a nutritional balance in our bodies, it is necessary to have vitamins and minerals in our daily diet that can be found in fruits and vegetables. Naturally, they are in the fruit pulp, which is the edible part of the fruit (no the peels nor seeds). All fruits have different characteristics that may vary based on their composition and chemical structure.

Those fruits are cataloged with a high nutritional value because they have potential properties for our organism. In fact, the consumption of frozen pulp has a large variety of widely known benefits such as being a great source of fiber that is essential for good digestive system health, along with high levels of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, proteins, and natural sugar.

As a result, the public, in general, wants frozen fruit pulps, as they are simple to use in fruit smoothies, juices, cocktails, desserts, jams, or even marmalades.

The moment fruit is picked, it begins to lose nutrients. Therefore it’s really important how long after harvesting you eat it, as it impacts its nutritional value. Meaning frozen Pulp is at its nutritional peak, and it will stay that way for longer periods of time.

Another Benefit of frozen pulp is that they are a hassle-free healthy shortcut. It’s a great time-saver, seeing as you don’t have to peel, filter, prep, washing, or chopping. Keeping frozen pulp on hand can save you a ton of time and is an effective solution to a quick healthy meal.

In addition to their high nutritional value, you will also have whatever fruit you desire in permanent availability in your freezer, no matter the time of year or the season. Additionally, you are avoiding losses. You will not have to face that regrettable fruit waste caused by its spoiling. Nor will you face the issue of that way to overmatured fruit that you didn’t get to eat on time.

The correct way of refrigeration

Freezing is one of the most widely used methods of food preservation, and it may also be one of the oldest, which allows preservation of nutritional value, texture, and taste in foods much better than any other method.

The best way to store your frozen Pulp is, as stated in its name, frozen. Keeping it in the freezer will allow the pulp to last for a lengthier period.

Types of frozen Pulp.

Frozen pulp comes in a vast number of varieties. Some of the most common are strawberry pulp, Orange pulp, soursop pulp, mango pulp, tamarind pulp, passion fruit pulp, dragon fruit pulp, Cherry pulp, lemon pulp, pineapple pulp, and so on and so forth.

If it’s a fruit it can be a pulp.

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A ritmo pegajoso baila sin dudarlo, lleva un atuendo color canela, pero dentro de una pulpa que te encantará, y para los días más calurosos, cuando se combina con agua y hielo, su sabor refrescante te hace volar.

Pulpa congelada

Sin preservativos

Sin azúcar añadida

Sin preservativos

Pulpa congelada

Sin azúcar añadida

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